
Sunday, May 5, 2012 (Guess What!?)

Guess What!? Guess What!? Guess What!? I'm freaking excited right now! Though I know that "freaking" isn't a good word, I can hardly control my tone anyways. When I was skimming through 2010 Best Yong Adult Books last year, I discovered a valuable book with a wrong price. City of Ashes. 70 percent off!? Too cheap. I decided to order it later since the cheap price is due next month and I hoped to order great amounts of books once. Unfortunately, I missed the chance. The book website changed the price. I was quite sorrowful. Today, I make the RIGHT CHOICE. I order a book right away since it's freaking cheap! I  have longed for this book. It's PARANORMALCY! Though I know that my friend has the book, I hope to buy one for myself because I love the book cover. The book cover is worth for me to preserve. It's 70 percent off! And guess what? It's HARDCOVER. I can hardly believe that I can buy such a cheap book with HARDCOVER. WAHAHA! I'm extremely pleasant about the price. And it's the last book when I am about to buy it. Thanks God that I order the book at the right time.

