
Monday, May 28, 2012 (Vietnam War Video Project)

My friends and I have to film a talk show for Vietnam War Video Project. I'm the host and I'll invite American President Lyndon B. Johnson and Vietnamese great leader, Ho Chi Minh. I'll ask them crucial questions about Vietnam War and ask them to explain their tactics and actions. I'm an optimistic host and hope that LBJ and Ho Chi Minh can have a fruitful debate. Yeah, FRUITFUL debate. A debate full of fresh fruits. Haha. Cold joke from Mr. Wahlgren. I start to have a sarcastic yet humorous tone, right? Thanks to Mr. Wahlgren, he changes my personality. Anyways, LBJ and Ho Chi Minh are magnificent guests and will remain a peaceful, nonviolent relationship. I enjoy the filming pretty much since I'm a clumsy, high-pitched, and smart host, right? Actually, I enjoy the NGs the most. We purposely film few NGs and will put inside the video to make our audience laugh. What a huge sacrifice!

