Monday, February 13, 2012 (Bruises)
I HATE BRUISES. They are so annoyingly HURT, HURT, HURT!!! I couldn't believe that my limbs are so uncoordinated that I fell down when I was running. Since the track and field, the park nearby our school, had rough roads, my arms and legs got bruises easily. The bruises really hurt me a lot but I bore the pain and kept going on. (We had to run 5 labs) Finishing the labs, I pulled up the pants and observed my bruises, which actually amazed me. I then went to the clinic and wiped the bruises with saline solution and iodine. Next, I returned to my dear PE class and did pull-up. I hoped to finish the fitness test immediately, but my legs didn't work well. I tried really hard in pull-up but the result sucks. Anyways, we had leisure in PE class and I did enjoy practicing basketball very much. Although my lay-up seemed frigid, so was my shooting. I got bruises because I was too careless and clumsy~ Sigh.......
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