
Tuesday, April 17, 2012 (PASMUN)

I'm so excited to join PASMUN and have a fruitful debate against China, Russia. Sorry to point the delegates directly. The delegate of Russia has dared to challenge the delegate of France, the delegate of France accepted the challenge and hoped to cooperate with the delegate of U.S., U.K., and Norway to defeat Russia with great effort. The delegate of France must do her best to push Russia into the abyss. She promised that she would hit a home run and struck Russia out of the game. She would never give up until her opponent was willing to surrender. Haha. Talking in third person sounds more professional. I am honored to represent France in ECOSOC, though Russia mocked that France has bankrupted and has to rely on Germany. France abhors countries which scorn at France and strongly believes that France will overcome all the difficulties as long as the people still support the French government. France firmly believes that the future of France is full of hopes and demonstrates a positive attitude toward French economy.

