

Soccer is the most famous/popular international sport. Unlike basketball players, soccer players don't have the advantages of growing taller. All the players are equal besides their skills. We are a beginner team. Therefore, we don't really plan the strategies besides our only goal: shoot the ball and cheer. Soccer is hard because it requires great foot-dribbling skills, which is different from people's hobbits. Watching the FIFA World Cup, we cheer for our favorite soccer teams, but we rarely discover how much efforts did the soccer players make. Today, it's our last practice for soccer game (but only the second time). Anyways, all our teammates have tried their best even though we get bruises. We bore the pain and insisted to gain the victory. Yeah, we did succeed. I couldn't believe that we won the game after running 3 suicides. Though it was painstaking, I was glad that we have done our best and hope that we could grab the victory for final on Wednesday.

