
Slave Trade

Slave trade attributes to a shortage of labor in Americas, which led to the beginning of the Atlantic slave trade. Millions of Africans were forced to leave everything behind and face the unknown in unfamiliar country--America. The Middle Passage was a distressful tribulation because captive Africans were chained together with no place to sit nor stand. Therefore, some Africans committed suicide before arriving to America since there were larger challenges. Slaves had no rights and freedom, and slaveholders controlled most of the conditions under which they lived. Enslaved Africans were the properties. The slaveholders usually treated the slaves with unlimited labor and push beyond their physical abilities, which eventually led to death. If the slaves revolted, they had only two ways- whether success or death. Some slaves were able to flee plantations and hid in remote areas while others were executed death penalty. After all, revolutions were inevitable.

